For some reason women go bonkers over the idea of getting married. Well not exactly "some" reasons - some of the reasons have to do with Darwin and shit, but still it is has been recorded by varous sources over the history of mankind that women go nuts when it comes to marriage and would do almost anything to enter in such a social union. That includes meaniningless rituals performed at other people's weddings. See the visual proof bellow:

Observe the lady in the blue dress. She is a relatively good looking lady in her mid-30's desperately wanting to get married. She has set her mind that the non-marriage thing is going to change today! In a crafty move she sneaks in down the left wing and gets in front of everybody, thus securing a position that gives her an advantage over the other single women. Note her stance with legst wild apart, borrowing the technique from bboxing out in basketball - she has secure ballance and better chances to block the the racing girls behind her with her body.

In this photo we see her plan had worked out almost perfectly. Almost! The little girl in the white dress had the crazy idea of going for the bouquet too. Of course no kid has a chance standing between a woman and her marriage. A short scuffle ensues accompanied by some scratching and arm twisting. And we have a winner (and some poor dude there running for his life!).

Next on the list for this lass: babies!
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