I am well aware the internet and all the Web 2.0 technology can turn zeroes into heroes overnight when it comes to music and art. I also know karaoke is big time in Asia. Hell, nobody parties harded than drunk Asian dudes in a karaoke bar.
So my initial thought when I saw this video was those people were bunch of amateurs goofing around karaoke style. Then as it started to dawn on me the pair of douche bags were all serious about their act, a sudden pain and desire to claw my eyes out and hammer nails in my ears appeared.
It turns out Deian and Boiko Nedelchevi have some serious pro asspirations and even have released several records. Their illustrous carreer goes way back to 1995. It should be noted that Deian and Boiko are not brothers, they are actually married to each other. And thank God for that because I seriously don't want those two reproducing after I saw their attempt at viral marketing.
This video is bad on so many levels that even this image can't sum it up:

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